USACE Omaha District, MMRP TCRA, Kimama Training Site Area 3, Lincoln County, Idaho
The MC RA included the excavation, characterization, and off-site disposal of soil exceeding established Project Action Limits (PALs) for lead at the western small arms range (SAR) berm within the Training Area 3 Munitions Response Site (MRS). Because of the site’s remoteness, hauling contaminated soils out of the excavation area and importing clean soil material to the excavation area required specialized off-road equipment. Excavated soils were field-screened using an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument to determine removal excavation extents in both depth and area. Once excavation extents were reached with the XRF, laboratory confirmation samples were collected for expedited analysis. Once laboratory results indicating contaminated soils had been removed, clean soil was imported from a commercial supplier. The ground surface was restored to its pre-excavation condition using a native seed blend and locally grown and sourced mulch.
Several live practice grenades were found during the RA. Donor explosives were acquired, and the items were disposed of by blow-in-place (BIP) methods. After disposal, munitions constituents (MC) soil sampling was completed at the location of the BIP to verify no MC remained in soils at the location. Material Documented as Safe (MDAS) was containerized and sent for recycling. The ground surface was restored to its pre-BIP condition.