Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Remedial Action and Project Closeout Activities, Lyndonville Former Air Force Station, East Haven, VT – USACE New England District
KGS/Trinity was contracted to complete a Remedial Action at the Lyndonville Former Air Force Station (LFAFS) Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS). The objectives were to excavate soil with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) exceeding the remedial goal. Remedial activities included well decommissioning, pre-design investigation, well sampling, site survey, mobilization & site preparation, soil excavation, backfill, and site restoration including topsoil and seeding, in accordance with the Selected Remedy prescribed by the Record of Decision (ROD).
Field activities were adjusted after non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) was observed at the Debris Area AOC and included the supplemental excavation of soil exceeding the cleanup goals established for semi-volatile petroleum (SVOC) constituents. Sampling of three out-of-service water-supply wells was also performed after the Pre-Design Investigation was completed (in June 2017).
Site closeout was accomplished through following completion of the Remedial Action.