
Demilitarization Operations for Military Munitions Response Action

Demilitarization Operations for Military Munitions Response Action at Hawthorne Army Depot Walker Lake Testing Range, NV – USACE Omaha District KGS conducted demilitarization operations associated with Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) and Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH) at this site. The Former Walker Lake Test Range classified as a Munitions Response Site […]

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Bldg 20 Demo and Consolidation of Bldg 107

Building 20 Demolition and Consolidation of Building 107, Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, CT – NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic KGS renovated a major portion of Building 107 and converted the space from a former Public Works garage into a shop area. The existing interior appurtenances; including interior CMU walls, mechanical/electrical/plumbing (M/E/P) systems, fire door, roll-up doors,

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discrete concrete sampling

PCB Investigation

PCB Investigation at Public Works Department Building 2721, Naval Support Activity Crane, IN – NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic KGS performed a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Investigation at Public Works Department (PWD) Crane Building 2721 located at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Crane. A PCB-removal action of contaminated building materials was previously conducted in the early 1990s.  In 2016,

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cleaning sewer infrastructure

Grit Chamber Maintenance

Grit Chamber Maintenance, Naval Station Newport, RI – NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic KGS performs inspection and cleaning of various storm water and sanitary sewer infrastructure components at Naval Station Newport in support of facility maintenance activities. KGS inspects more than 2,400 storm water catch basins annually to assess their condition and determine whether cleaning, which is performed

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Liquid Waste Removal Services

Liquid Waste Removal Services at the Naval Submarine Base New London (NSBNL), Groton, CT – NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic KGS provides facility support services including maintenance of associated wastewater and sewage storage, conveyance, and treatment infrastructure at the Naval Submarine Base New London. Services include routine inspection and cleaning of various components including oil/water separators, sewage lift

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